• Strategic Management

    Our wealth management and portfolio analysis uses the strength of our in-house management and, where appropriate, combines this with third-party managers who are individually selected for their particular expertise, style, and performance.​


Our Custom Portfolios are Designed to:

  • Create true diversification by completely customizing your investment allocation to your investor profile
  • Grant access to a wide variety of asset classes and products not always available to retail investors
  • Provide trading flexibility and responsiveness to the markets

Generate sustainable cash flow by:

  • Using an established cash flow strategy that tempers the impact of volatile markets
  • Ensuring you have adequate after tax cash flow to meet your financial goals
  • Adapting our focus to your specific needs and stage of life

Completely Customizable Portfolios

See the categories below for an idea of how diversified a portfolio at ClearWater Private Investments Inc. can be. Please give us a call to discuss which categories may be suitable for you.



Still Have Questions?

Contact one of our advisors and set up a meeting today to find clarity to all your questions.