2021 Starts Huge- January 8th, 2021

The US markets were up this week but underneath the surface, there were clues of a bigger market push. Breadth swelled, bullish percent indexes climbed, transports popped, and all my strength indicators swelled. Globally, it was a launch fest with the Shanghai breaking out to 5-year highs, while Canada, Brazil and Germany confirmed the move. Asia, North and South America, as well as Europe all popping to new highs to start the year. I can’t ignore that! Say it with swagger – “When you are hitting new highs, you are
not in a bear market!”.

The US political world had a newsworthy week. The attack on the capitol building had the world watching. It did slow down the US markets compared to the rest of the world, as the global surge was remarkably big.

Bitcoin had a massive range week of 13500 points. Marijuana names had a massive week. Energy had a massive week. Financials had a massive week. I can’t find the correlation between them, but each one launched their own party. Bitcoin investors continue to believe in the limited supply approach.
Digital printing of money. Marijuana names surged as the Senate got to a 50/50 political split suggesting a possibility of passing a law for recreational consumption. The Saudi’s trimmed oil production sending energy stocks up 10%! Bond prices plummeted, kicking financials much higher.

The Schnell Strength Indexes all improved this week. We saw the median stock up 5 % on the week which is obviously huge. This broad participation suggests more to come. Whenever I see everything so bullish, I am inclined to worry. But rising markets suggest being invested. Don’t be overly aggressive, but if you find some nice setups, the majority of stocks are trending higher. There were
over 1900 up more than 5% and only 250 down 5% as an example.

Summary: I am buying a little more as the SSIH suggests. As I mentioned last week → “My larger time frames suggest this pullback is a blip, but other big caution signs loom like the lower PPO right now on the Nasdaq” . If the market wants to push higher, I want to ride it. As the sign on the cross country ski trail says “Giddy Up!”

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