Month: July 2023

ACPI Client Portal – Day 1 Client Instructions

Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (ACPI), our registered dealer, officially changed custodians on July 21st 2023, from National Bank Independent Network (NBIN) to CI Investment Services Inc. (CIIS). Although CI may not be a familiar name to most, they are an independent Canadian company offering global asset management and wealth management advisory services holding more than $330 billion in assets (as at June 30, 2022). Overall, this change will allow our team to more effectively and efficiently service our clientele, while maintaining our extensive and flexible product portfolio.

Quarterly Newsletter: Envision your retirement

A key to achieving a financial goal
It’s human nature to generalize our goals. “I’ve got to start exercising” is a common one. But a key to achieving a goal is to first identify one specific step. For example, starting to exercise becomes taking a brisk walk every day.

ClearWater Market Commentary as of July 7th, 2023

Positive growth and inflation surprises helped the major benchmarks round out a solid quarter on a high note, with the S&P 500 Index recording its best weekly gain since the end of March.

ClearWater Market Commentary as of June 30th, 2023

Positive growth and inflation surprises helped the major benchmarks round out a solid quarter on a high note, with the S&P 500 Index recording its best weekly gain since the end of March.