Quarterly Newsletter: How is your financial wellness?

Even though school is far behind us, something about fall still feels like the start of the year.

We’re all back into the swing of things, and we hope that you and your family enjoy the fall season.

We’re pleased to provide you with the latest issue of our newsletter, covering a variety of financial topics – from family finance and wealth planning to investing and retirement planning. Here are some highlights:

  • How would you define financial wellness? Find out on page 1 why financial wellness is not a measure of a person’s wealth – and why it matters.
  • For many investors, managing a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) has become routine.  Read the page 2 article to see why going beyond the routine may prove beneficial.
  • It’s human nature to seek the comfort of joining the crowd and doing what’s popular. An article on page 4 tells why following the herd can spell trouble for investors.

Here is the Fall edition of our quarterly newsletter, including these useful articles:


Please get in touch anytime you want to discuss your investment program, whether for a brief chat or a formal portfolio review.

Do you have a teen or a child approaching their teen years? See the article on page 3 about introducing your child to some investing basics.

Have any questions? Reach out to us.