Investing during a market recovery
We hope you enjoyed the holiday season, and we wish you and your family a year of good health and happiness in 2024.
We’re pleased to provide you with the latest issue of our newsletter, covering a variety of financial topics – from investing and wealth planning to personal finance and retirement planning. Here are some highlights:
• Each market recovery can follow a different path, so how are you supposed to know how to invest? Find out on page 1 what you can do and should not do.
• Life can be unpredictable, and you’re certain to experience life changes at one time or another. Please read the page 2 article to see why it can be helpful to involve us when a change occurs.
• Thinking about downsizing is common when you approach retirement or have already retired. An article on page 3 looks at reasons to stay and reasons to go.
Here is the Winter edition of our quarterly newsletter, including these useful articles:
CW-INV-WINTER2024Please get in touch anytime you want to discuss your investment program, whether for a brief chat or a formal portfolio review.